Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We named the dog Indiana. . . .

We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie on Sunday over Memorial Day weekend. Man, was I excited to see this movie. I have been waiting for 15 plus years to see a sequel. . . As a movie connoisseur I won't give my true "in-depth" opinion of this movie because this blog is supposed to be fun and upbeat. . .

I will say that it was fun to see this movie and nice to see Indy on the screen again.

1 comment:

modelleader said...

Nice. I been slowly reliving the 'new' Star Wars movies lately as they come on periodically on the network channels. A lot of commercials, but we have the recordable TV, so it's just ever so convenient. I like them - I wonder if Lucas will have it in him to finish the job...

National treasure was sort of like the modern Indiana wasn't it? Except different.

Nice site - keep up the good fight!