Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Snake . . .Big Snake Chase Me !

Last night around 11pm someone was banging on my door. It was my neighbor and he was in a frenzy screaming something about a large snake.

Whatever, I thought. We got snakes all over the place, mostly little gardner snakes and an occassional rat snake. I threw on some shoes and went outside to humor him.
Well he wasn't joking. Near his driveway crawling along the sidewalk was a 4-1/2 foot long Python.. . .that's right. . .I almost choked on my milk and cookies. . . I scooped up the fella with a broom handle. Krista ran and grabbed a pillow case, and then we put him into a big Rubbermaid container.

Not sure what to do with the poor guy; obviously he was someone's pet that escaped. I have no idea how long he has been outside. No neighborhood cats seem to be missing.

I think I am keeping him, and I will call him Harry. . . after Harry Houdini. The great escape snake. . . .