Friday, February 20, 2009

2009 Big Beers Festival - Belgians and Barleywines

Congratulations to Mike Pedersen, one of my fellow brewing buddies! Mikey lived in Cincinnati for a long time before picking up and moving to Boulder, Colorado. It was after he moved that I discovered that he was heavily into homebrewing and making some kick-a** beers left and right.

We've stayed in touch over the years and he has just won Best of Show at the Tenth Annual Big Beers Festival in Vail, Colorado !

This is huge because as a grand prize his winning beer recipe will be commercially brewed at Dry Dock Brewing Company and put on tap at The Falling Rock Taphouse in Denver and at the sponsoring brewery, Dry Dock Brewing, located in Aurora, Colorado. Absolutely incredible!

This is the only picture I found. . . I'll get more photos of him soon and repost.

Congrats again Mikey!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cricket, Krista, and Cliff

My parents come down and visit every once in a while and every time they bring their German Shepherd Cricket. She is a handful and that is one of many reasons why they stay at my sisters house when they visit. . our cats don't like dogs much!

It was a great weekend of food and hanging out. Pictured is Cricket, my fiancee Krista, and my father Cliff taking cricket for a romp in the yard.